Friday, October 16, 2009

Nerdy Santigold

If there was ever a song that made us want to play Tony Hawk 2 for PlayStation (OG ugly gray Playstation), it is “Soldier.” The first level that was basically an empty warehouse with tons of room to skate on broken poles and makeshift halfpipes was awesome, totally soundtracked by that Anthrax and Public Enemy collaboration. N.E.R.D. and Santigold keep up the 2000s version of the Judgment Night soundtrack with the slightly ska-tinged song they played live on Kimmel with Lil Wayne back in March. It’s a rad song simply for the complete abandon they put into it. There is no way Pharrell would go this hard with N.E.R.D. if he didn’t strongly, like with his life’s blood, believe that he is kicking out the jams. And because of that fervor, he kind of nails it: fast-rapping, jokingly pissed off over some snappy So-Cal snare drums. So what if it kind of sounds like Suicide Machines playing the Inspector Gadget theme song.

Download: N.E.R.D. f. Santigold, “Soldier”

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